UPDATED: February 3rd, 2022

Open Monday-Friday | 9am-5pm
All employees in certain healthcare facilities and other high-risk congregate settings are required to complete a full vaccination course or undergo regular testing at a minimum of once to twice each week.
Full compliance is required by September 7th.
The vaccination mandate is applicable to the following employers:
Private-sector employers may implement a more rigorous mandate.
Our mandate is the floor. If we do not see significant increases in vaccination rates among the employees in these settings, we are ready and willing to require all staff to be vaccinated as a condition of their employment.
Here's some essential resources in helping you prepare and inform your employees.
In light of the ongoing growing concerns related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the GECC wants to reassure our members that we are taking every step in being proactive against COVID-19, sharing with you some helpful resources and tips.
Employees in the state of New Jersey are highly concerned regarding the Coronavirus pandemic and its potential impacts to the welfare of their community and establishments. The Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is diligently working to understand the cause of the disease, symptoms, preventative habits and treatment. The New Jersey Health Department is also working to provide education materials and guidance to ensure a safe environment. Here's some information and links to essential resources in helping you prepare and inform your employees.
*NJVSS has an internet portal that allows members of the public to register for the vaccine and then schedule an appointment. The registration process screens recipients for eligibility and captures critical demographic information. There is also a provider-facing app that allows clinics to check-in recipients and captures vaccine dosage information. Data from NJVSS is automatically transferred to NJIIS, streamlining data reporting for clinic staff. CLICK HERE for more details
"COVID-19 Workplace Health and Safety & Worker Benefits: What Employers Need to Know"
News and Updates
Good News for Restaurant Owners Seeking Grants from the $28.6 Billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund
The SBA said it is no longer necessary for restaurant owners to first register for an account with the government on the System of Award Management (SAM). Getting a so-called SAM account is often a cumbersome effort. The SBA said the application process for the program, which will be first-come, first-served, is expected to be available later this month. More information here. (ROI-NJ)
People 55 and Over are Among those Newly Eligible for the Vaccine Today
Here’s who’s eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine starting today, including people 55 and older. The Murphy administration remains confident that the state will be able to vaccinate 70% of the state’s eligible population – some 4.7 million people – by the end of May. (nj.com)
CDC: Vaccinated Americans Can Now Resume Travel, as Long as Masks are Worn and Public Health Measures are Followed
The CDC said fully vaccinated Americans can resume domestic and overseas travel – with fewer COVID-19 testing requirements – as long as they wear masks in public and public health measures are followed. The CDC Director said Americans should still try to avoid travel because COVID-19 cases are rising, but there's lower-risk for fully vaccinated people. Check here for more details. (Politico)
Trenton Watch: The N.J. Chamber's Report on Proposed Legislation
See a list of bills that the N.J. Chamber is monitoring – and where we stand on them. (N.J. Chamber of Commerce)
Gov. Murphy is Trying to Lure Movie and TV Studios to N.J. with Tax Credits – and He Notes that N.J.’s Politics Differ from Georgia’s
Gov. Phil Murphy sent a letter to major movie and TV studios, looking to poach their productions, according to The Wall Street Journal. The governor is extending tax incentives up to 30% of production costs which is equal to what the state of Georgia offers. He also included a 40% credit to studios willing to open brick-and-mortar sites here. The letter was sent to industry giants like Walt Disney, Netflix and Warner Brothers and drew a contrast between Georgia’s politics and the liberal leanings of Hollywood that more closely align with New Jersey. (NJ Spotlight News)
New Jersey Congress Members Demand that a Repeal of the SALT Cap be Part of Biden’s Infrastructure Plan
President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan could pump significant federal dollars into New Jersey’s economy. Several members of the state’s congressional delegation said they would vote in favor of the infrastructure plan only if it includes tax relief for residents who were hit with tax hikes when the Trump administration put a $10,000 cap on the federal write-off for state and local taxes known as SALT. (NJ Spotlight News)
New Jersey Summer Camps are Preparing to Welcome Back Kids
Waitlists at summer camps are already at unprecedented levels. Families are lining up to get their kids on the list for fun this summer. (NJ Spotlight News)
Join Us April 7 for a Virtual Town Hall on Transportation in N.J.
Join the N.J. Chamber and NJBIA for a webinar with state Transportation Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, NJ Transit President & CEO Kevin S. Corbett, and Port Authority Chairman Kevin J. O'Toole. They will discuss major infrastructure projects critical to N.J.’s economy, changes to mass transit and how the pandemic has altered the landscape. There will be a live Q&A following the discussion. Register here
Looking for Federal Grants or Loans? This “Swat Team” of Counselors Offers Advice to Small New Jersey Businesses
The NJ Small Business Development Centers have created a "swat team" of capital funding experts with private sector experience to provide small businesses with free, confidential business advice. The advisors also help businesses find, apply, and get approved for federal funding, such as forgivable loans and grants. Click here to register your business. (NJ Small Business Development Centers)
Everything You Need to Know About Federal Aid Programs for Businesses that have Struggled During the Pandemic
Here is a complete breakdown of the federal aid programs for small businesses, including forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loans, new tax credits and Restaurant Revitalization Fund grants. (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
A $16 Billion Grant Program for Concert Spaces, Movie Theaters and Museums is Expected to Kick Off on April 8
Applicants can receive grants equal to 45% of gross earned revenue, up to $10 million. However, applying for these grants will take a little work so it is recommended that applicants prepare now. Here is a guide and more details. (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
Check out the Emergency Assistance Eligibility Wizard-
The NJEDA wants to make it easy for organizations to understand what support programs are available to you to help stabilize your operations and get back on a pathway to growth. This online platform allows business owners, companies, and non-profit organizations to fill out a form and see what options are available for assistance. For more information about this and other emergency assistance options Click Here .
( New Jersey Economic Development Authority)
Private organizations, colleges and universities, private sector firms, nonprofit organizations and state, local or tribal governmental agencies across Pennsylvania, Delaware, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Northern California, and Nevada are eligible to apply for funding from the U.S. Small Business Administration to provide training and counseling to aspiring and existing veteran small business owners as a Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC). The grant awardees will provide training to service members and military spouses through the Boots to Business entrepreneurship training program, which is part of the Department of Defense’s Transition Assistance Program. Additionally, applicants will provide counseling, technical and financial skill development, comprehensive business assessments, and mentoring services to veterans, transitioning and active-duty service members, Reserve, National Guard, and military spouses interested in starting or growing a small business. Click Here For More Information
Federal Grants for Restaurants and Bars (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Vaccine Guide for Businesses: From Communicating about Vaccines to Developing a Vaccine Strategy.
The U.S. Small Business Administration's website with guidance and details on forgivable business loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
New Jersey small businesses can buy PPE at a 10% discount through this state program.
The state is offering assistance programs for New Jersey businesses.
The N.J. Economic Development Authority is offering assistance programs for New Jersey businesses. Information and applications can be found here.
For the U.S. Chamber's return-to-work playbook for employers, click here.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's report on reopening and preparing workplaces for COVID-19.
The CDC's recommendations for employers to prevent the spread of the coronavirus when they reopen their offices.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Small Business Survival Guide has a complete listing of coronavirus resources for small businesses.
The New Jersey Business Action Center's guide to opening a business in N.J.
The state's jobs and hiring portal matches employers and candidates.
For employers to participate, click here.
New Jersey's website for information on all of the state's business resources during the pandemic.
New Jersey's website for up-to-date information about COVID-19.
Have Questions about the Status of an Unemployment Claim? - You can send a message to the state Labor Department through its website – www.myunemployment.nj.gov. Then follow these instructions:
- On the top of the page, scroll to the right for “Need Help” and unveil the drop-down menu
- Choose Send an Email
- Choose Email: Submit a message through the new online form.
- Follow the prompts
To report a scammer or suspected price gouging, alert the N.J. Division of Consumer Affairs at (973) 504-6240 or at http://njconsumeraffairs.gov.
The state set up a 24-hour hotline where health care professionals are answering questions about coronavirus. The toll-free number is 1-800-222-1222. From outside the state, call 1-800-962-1253.
COVID-19 Business Information | Finance opportunities | A live chat feature can assist with any questions a company may have| Starter kits for various types of businesses | Registration/permit process | Click Here
Updates for Your Business
Things are changing hourly! Be sure to watch the news, monitor social media platforms, and research governmental websites to ensure that you are receiving accurate and up-to-date information.
If you haven't already done so, post signage around your office/place of work, hold a meeting with your staff to educate them on the illness, how it's spread, symptoms, and preventative measures.
CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019! (in English)
CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019! (in Spanish)
The State of New Jersey is providing guidance to all businesses being impacted by COVID-19. Topics covered include operations guidance, economic assistance for business, benefits for impacted individuals, and more. CLICK HERE for more information!
Please CLICK HERE for resources on how your employees can apply online for Unemployment Insurance Services, or call the following numbers:
NORTH JERSEY: 201-601-4100 or CENTRAL JERSEY: 732-761-2020.
For residents who have general health-related questions on the COVID-19 Virus, you may find answers online HERE or by calling the 24/7 hotline at 1-800-222-1222 or 1-800-962-1253 if using an out-of-state phone line.
Coronavirus Tracking
COVID-19 Global Cases- John Hopkins
**It's never too late to create a disaster preparedness protocol that ensures the safety of your establishment, staff and customers.**